Friday, May 9, 2025 7:00 – 8:30 PM Saints Simon and Jude Parish8 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester Dr. Bill Lile (rhymes with smile ☺) is a neonatologist from Pensacola, Florida, with a website at In videos, diagrams and words, which...
For Parish Leaders and Volunteers Saturday March 15, 2025 9:30 am to 1:00 pm Saints Simon and Jude Parish8 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester 9:00 am Mass Available Workshop and Lunch are FREE! Join us at 9:30am for networking and Coffee/ Light refreshments. We’ll...
Friday, January 31 – Sunday, February 2, 2025 Retreat Leader: Samantha Kelley of Speaker: Marie DiCecco, Natural Women’s Health speaker Priest: Fr. David O’Brien,Vocations Director, Archdiocese of Philadelphia Small Group Facilitators:...
Please join us for this important gathering! Theme: “Every Life: Why We March” Our Speakers: Most Reverend Christopher R. Cooke, Auxiliary Bishop, Archdiocese of Philadelphia Sr. Sheila Galligan, IHM, Immaculata University Debbie Biskey, “Options for Her” – Mobile...
Listen to the real-life story of a 19-year old student named Ruth. “The trauma of abortion survival is real. You feel isolated, disregarded, and different in a way no one else can understand. We are who abortion kills. I am not a clump of cells — I am a human...
Our Pro-Life Business Directory is a listing of business people who are proudly pro-life. Support them and let them know you got their name from our web site.
If you have a business, are pro-life, and would like to be identified as such in the directory and our newsletter, please let us know.
Urgent Need!
There is an urgent need for Spanish-speaking sidewalk counselors. Many of the women who go to Planned Parenthood for abortions speak only Spanish. We need to be able to communicate God's Love to them in a language they understand. To learn more about it,call Katie Fleming (484-639-3491) or send an email (
Support us through United Way
Contributions to CCPLC can now be made through The United Way.. We have been approved as a 'designated agency' meaning you can designate CCPLC as the sole recipient of your United Way contributions. When filling out your United Way contribution form, fill out the top with the appropriate information. Select the amount for payroll deduction or for a one time cash contribution. Go to the very bottom of the form to direct your donation to us. Note the minimum amount is $52, but you can donate as little as $5/month or $3/week both as payroll deductions. The gift amount is the deduction amount times the number of annual pay periods. Your employer should have the forms or, if not, contact us.
Our Pro-Life Business Directory is a listing of business people who are proudly pro-life. Support them and let them know you got their name from our web site.
If you have a business, are pro-life, and would like to be identified as such in the directory and our newsletter, please let us know.
Urgent Need!
There is an urgent need for Spanish-speaking sidewalk counselors. Many of the women who go to Planned Parenthood for abortions speak only Spanish. We need to be able to communicate God's Love to them in a language they understand. To learn more about it,call Katie Fleming (484-639-3491) or send an email (
Support us through United Way
Contributions to CCPLC can now be made through The United Way.. We have been approved as a 'designated agency' meaning you can designate CCPLC as the sole recipient of your United Way contributions. When filling out your United Way contribution form, fill out the top with the appropriate information. Select the amount for payroll deduction or for a one time cash contribution. Go to the very bottom of the form to direct your donation to us. Note the minimum amount is $52, but you can donate as little as $5/month or $3/week both as payroll deductions. The gift amount is the deduction amount times the number of annual pay periods. Your employer should have the forms or, if not, contact us.